Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Unable to begin a distributed transaction using linked server.

One of my client reported me that they are getting below given error when they were executing a query similar to below.

insert into <Table Nam> exec <LinkedServer Name>.<schema>.<DB Name>.<SP Name>

OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "LinkedServer Name" returned message "No transaction is active.".
Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Line 3
The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "LinkedServer Name" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

The below Setting Resolved the issue. I had to do the same in both servers.

1. open up "Component Services"
Control Panel > Administrative tools > Component Services
2. in Component Servies, right click "My Computer" and select "Properties"
Console Root > Component Services > Computers > My Computer
3. select the "MSDTC" tab (Select appropriate MSDTC if its clustered) , and click "Security Configuration" in the "Transaction Configuration" group box
4. Enable Allow inbound and Allow outbound.
5. in "Security Settings" > "Transaction Manager Communication"
select "No Authentication Required"
6. restart the DTC service (should do so automatically).

"Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) cluster verification errors" failed.

One of my friend received the below shown error during the add node installation of SQL Server 2008 on a Windows Server 2008 machine.

Solution: If we are sure that the cluster verification doesn't have any issue, we can complete the installation using the below commands.

For an integrated failover Add-Note setup, run the following command on each node that is being added:
Setup /SkipRules=Cluster_VerifyForErrors /Action=InstallFailoverCluster
For an advanced or enterprise installation, run the following command:
Setup /SkipRules=Cluster_VerifyForErrors /Action=CompleteFailoverCluster
If you receive this validation failure when you add a node to an existing failover installation, run the following command on each node that is being added: 
Setup /SkipRules=Cluster_VerifyForErrors /Action=AddNode

    Friday, 27 January 2012

    Table Diff to identify data mismatch.

    1) Run the below query in Publisher.
    2) Paste the output in Command Prompt.
    3) See the output file for the mismatch.

    Declare @sourceserver nvarchar(100) = '<Publisher Server>'
    Declare @destinationserver nvarchar(100) = '<Subscriber Server>'

    select '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\COM\tablediff.exe" -sourceserver [' + @sourceserver +
    '] -sourcedatabase [BCP_Tran] -sourcetable [' + name +'] -sourceschema [' + SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id ) +
    '] -sourcelocked [TABLOCK] -destinationserver [' + @destinationserver + '] -destinationdatabase [BCP_Tran] -destinationtable [' + name +
    '] -destinationschema ['+ SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id )  +'] -destinationlocked [TABLOCK] -f c:\TableDiff_' + name+ '.sql'
          from  sys.tables 
          where type_desc = 'USER_TABLE' and is_published=1

    Tuesday, 24 January 2012

    SQL Server 2008 Cluster Collation Change

    1. First make sure you have all the database backups including system            database.
    2. Generate scripts for all the logins, Linked Servers, Server Triggers etc.
    3. Generate scripts for all the Jobs exist on server.
    4. Reset the SA password if you don’t know. And save it to safe place.
    5. To change the collation for SQL Server 2008, If we are changing from same node, First we need to take resources offline (SQL Server, SQL Agent, Fulltextsearch) and run the below syntax on command prompt from SQL Server Setup directory.

    ME=INST1 /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Domain\Account" /SAPWD=<SA Password> /SQLCOLLATION=<New Collation>

    Cross Domain Transactional Replication

    We had the below error in my environment during cross domain pull transactional replication. To resolve this we have the below two options.

    First Method
    1) Generate the snapshot and manually copy the same to subscriber.
    2) Change the Snapshot Location in the subscriber properties. Since the snapshot location is local, it will apply the same very fast.
    Second Method
    1) Keep the replication as it is.
    2) Generate the BCP out of the articles.
         bcp BCP_Tran.dbo.Test out c:\Test.dat -c -U sa -P <Pword>-S <Srvr Name>
    3) Apply the BCP file to the subscriber.
         bcp BCP_Tran.dbo.TestNew in c:\Test.dat -T -c -S <Server Name>